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 Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"

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Location : Marble Falls, Texas

Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:23 am

Before leaving the pantry, Clayton whispered to Sam, Carmen, and Peach to meet him in his bedroom to have a chat. Clayton's not the best at making friends, animals are more his thing because he does a lot of talking and they love to listen but he's not very good at talking to people. His mustache was getting sweaty from stress, so he grabbed the towel he had used to shower and patted it dry. Every was making alliances and Clayton had not been invited to one yet. Maybe he was coming off to excited? He didn't know. But he seemed to hit it off well with Sam, Carmen, and Peach when he met them, and he overheard them forming an alliance in the pantry. And all though they were not super close with him, maybe they could see that he was a kind, trustworthy guy and would maybe take a chance and be in an alliance with him. He tapped his foot nervously on the floor as he waited for them to arrive.
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:00 am

Sam walks into the room. Clayton did over hear the alliance convo she had with Peaches and Carmen, so she felt it was worth listening to what he had to say. From what she could tell Clayton was an upstanding guy and a man of the law, so he wouldn't go a snitch. She had a natural trust for him. That and Texas blood is thicker than any other, so she felt a natural kinship to him.
"Hey Clayton, what's up?'
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 1:12 pm

Clayton looked up as Sam came through the door. "Howdy there Sam, please make yourself at home, take a load off!" He waited a minute before continuing to talk in case Carmen or Peach were shortly behind Sam. "I guess I'll get started on mah little spiel and I'll just tell it again when the other come in. So when we were down in the pantry I overheard y'all discussion a possible alliance, and I'm not bringin' that up to tell you that I'm snitchin' on y'all cuz that couldn't be further from the truth. But I got to thinkin' and you three ladies seem like very genuine, truthworthy people and us Texans need to stick together and I wanted to know if maybe y'all would want to be in an alliance together? Now I know you're just gettin' to know me and that might make you a little hesitate, but I am a man of moral character and I was hopin' you would see that and maybe be willin' to take a chance on me." He took his hat off and held it over his heart.
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:42 pm

He's such a gentleman!
Sam thought for a moment. Clayton would be a good addition to the alliance. But how do Carmen and Peaches feel about it?"
"Personally, I would love for you to join our alliance, but I can't make that decision on my own. I need to see what Carmen and Peaches say first."
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:21 pm

"You rang?" Carmen said, walking into the bedroom. "Hey Clayton!"
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:42 pm

Peaches nods, she agrees to the alliance, however, they might have to change up their alliance name to fit in Clayton. Peaches had a name idea. "Clayton's Angels." It was perfect.
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:47 pm

"You got two yes's! What say you Carmen? You cool if Clayton joins?"
If he joins we will need a new alliance name. "Milk and Cookies Yall". Heh, I'm sure peaches would have thought of a better one.
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:21 pm

"I'm cool with that! Safety in numbers, am I right?" She really liked Clayton. He was sweet, caring, strong, and all those make a great asset as a number. "Welcome to the team, Clayton!"
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:38 pm

Clayton was over filled with joy, he ushered everyone in for a group hug. "Thank you y'all you won't regret it! We have a solid team right here, let's kick ass!"
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:40 pm

"This is it! I love this group, guys!!" She hugs everyone. "Ugh! Yes!"
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Age : 32
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:52 pm

"I agree! We are a pretty solid team"
Sam was squished in the hug, but didn't mind. Good team spirit!
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Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all"   Private RP Carmen, Sam, Peach: "Wanna work together y'all" Clock10

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